

Mouser Electronics is a global authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components for over 1,100 industry-leading manufacturer brands. They specialize in the rapid introduction of the newest products and technologies targeting the design engineer and buyer communities. When you need the right part right now, think mouser. Selection, speed, and accuracy are the core of Mouser’s state-of-the-art warehouse with sophisticated equipment enabling them to process orders. The wireless warehouse management system is streamlined to nearly perfect pick-and-ship operations delivering a 5-sigma confidence rating, better than 99%. SM Electronic Technologies Pvt. Ltd is an authorized channel partner for mouser electronics in India. Our extensive product offering includes semiconductors, interconnects, passives, and electromechanical components.

  • All Mouser Parts Are Supported in Indian Rupee (INR).
  • No Customs Clearing Hassles and Handling Chargers.
  • Free Shipping.
  • Dedicated Customer Support and Quick Response.
  • Dedicated And Specialized Logistic Support Team.