

Founded in December 1996, AMCOM operates from Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, strategically located approximately 20 miles northwest of Washington, DC. The company's semiconductor manufacturing operations are outsourced to leading foundries situated across the USA, Europe, and Asia. AMCOM is renowned for its extensive portfolio encompassing power FETs, MMIC power amplifiers, MMIC switches, MMIC attenuators, and a diverse range of connectorized modules.

These modules include high-power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, switches, attenuators, phase shifters, frequency mixers, bias tees, and couplers, catering to a broad spectrum of applications. Specializing in broadband, high-efficiency power amplifiers, and switches, AMCOM distinguishes itself through its commitment to cutting-edge technology and performance excellence.

The company's products are engineered to meet the demanding requirements of modern telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and industrial sectors. With a rich legacy spanning over two decades, AMCOM continues to push the boundaries of semiconductor design and manufacturing. As the driving force behind distribution, SMET joins hands with AMCOM to enable the widespread accessibility of their products across Asia while empowering numerous industries with cutting-edge technological advancements.
