

In 1985, seven pioneers, former colleagues from Linkabit, gathered at Irwin Jacobs's residence with a visionary goal: to establish a company dedicated to pioneering "QUALity COMMunications." Departing from conventional telecommunications norms, they embarked on a groundbreaking journey to develop Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), a revolutionary technology that would redefine wireless communications. CDMA quickly became the cornerstone of 3G networks globally and played a pivotal role in shaping the latest advancements in 4G and 5G technologies, paving the way for an intelligently connected future.

The founding of Qualcomm in 1985 marked the genesis of a new era in wireless technology. In 1995, their groundbreaking CDMA technology was commercially rolled out, signaling a significant milestone in the evolution of telecommunications. Qualcomm's ethos of innovation is the driving force behind their diverse portfolio of products, which spans processors, modems, platforms, RF systems, and connectivity solutions.

Qualcomm's comprehensive range of purpose-built products is complemented by a suite of pre-packaged software, hardware, and tools designed to expedite the journey from concept to market. By providing robust support throughout the development process, Qualcomm enables innovators to accelerate their inventions and bring them to market swiftly.
